Tekken Tag Tournament 2

With the ever encroaching release of the series newest instalment of Tekken 7 into the home market, now seems like a golden opportunity to talk about one of the series most recent instalments, Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Once the poster child of the Playstation brand, the series has since branched out to reach all corners of the home console market, Tekken 7 represents the series first foray into PC gaming.


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Much like the game it’s a direct sequel to, Tekken Tag Tournament 2’s story, represented in the game’s Arcade mode, allowing you to play through 9 stages of battles with its rich character roster, followed by a small cut scene. Though a number of these cut scenes are fun, it’s exceedingly difficult not to see this mode as lacking, especially for fans of a series as renowned for its complex (and arguably ridiculous) plots as Tekken. However, being only a “non-canon” spin off of the main series, I can understand the purpose of these cut scenes are only as a small reward, with the Game play being the absolute focus of the game.

Gameplay and Mechanics

It is therefore, understandably, through the game play that TTT2 really shines, boasting an enormous 59 unique playable characters. TTT2 never fails to be an exciting, intense and varied experience from start to finish. Making use of both “pick up and playability” and a rich, intricate combo system the developers were clearly aiming to capture both the casual and the serious, competitive players alike. At this, they succeed tremendously; while playing Tekken Tag Tournament 2 you will never for a moment feel like you have nowhere to improve or like you are absolutely finished with the game.

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The tag team mechanic, for which it is made, also adds new depths to the game play above that of the main series; allowing for a player to gain the upper hand on their opponent. This adds an overall aura of unpredictability, keeping the player on their toes knowing they can never be sure they’ve won a round even at the very last second.

Art Style

The games bright, vivid art style also goes along well with the huge variety in stages to create an absolutely stunning visual experience.

Overall, with a huge variety of modes, playable characters and move combinations, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is truly an experience to be had, though fans of the series may find the lack of much story disappointing, the game more than makes up for it with its tremendous game play and breathtaking visuals. I recommend anyone, new or old to the series, play this game if they want a real understanding of the heights that fighting games can reach before the release of Tekken 7.

Written by: Max Lang-Orsini

Games of Thrones: Episode 2

The Lost Lords opens with Asher Forrester, the second-eldest son of the house and currently exiled to Yunkai. This is a perfect place to start. In the first episode they focused entirely on the Forrester family. The Lost Lords takes it further.


The Lost Lords introduces others that are connected to the Forrester family. Two young women from other northern houses come to comfort the grieving family. Of the two women Beskha is the most vivid addition to the story. She is boisterous and engages in dirty talking. She jokes about the loose women and bounties with Asher. She is a strong addition to the story.

Some of the best moments of episode two take place at the beginning. They profoundly affect the overall plot, but cannot be told because it will give away too much of the story. Many of the same literary tricks of the books and films can be found here and are more pronounced in episode two then in episode one.

There are other scenes that will remind you of the books and films as well. Unlike the other Game of Throne stories that basically set the scene telling you important facts, such as the Fire and Ice episode that shared who is dead, who is alive and who is unaccounted for. The Lost Lords ties all of the previous episodes together in a nice bow, although the bow is not neatly tied. Would you have expected anything different? It was well worth the wait according.

As with all previous episodes the action scenes do not disappoint. You artfully must dodge swords, stab opponents and duck to avoid being hit with flying furniture. Be aware that the battle scenes are much bloodier and more violent than in previous episodes. With that in mind, it should be noted that in the episodes you could die much quicker than in the past. But do not let that deter you, the game automatically saves every few moves and put you right back in the action with little progress lost. The Lost Lords is more forgiving of mistakes and minimizes your hardships. This makes the chance of success and advancement much more attainable and fun.

There are also sequences where you have what they call have Gared training for a spot on the Night’s Watch. During this training you carry barrels across a yard, perform basic sword moves against other trainees and shoot straw dummies with arrows. This is a string of moments that brings you to an area of black cloaks and other characters. It may not be as exciting as the action scenes, but consider it a kind of breaking in the action that once again will not disappoint as the game progresses.

In The Lost Lords you are presented with the possibility of choosing your own path during your journey. Each path you choose impacts future events during your journey and the journey of the family members involved. Throughout your journey there are many paths you can choose. The politics of The Games of Thrones can be very stressful, which can evoke feelings of urgency throughout the game. Surprisingly, The Lost Lords is very entertaining, which leaves the frustration to be just an afterthought. The game is full of intrigue and surprises.

Before you take on the adventure of The Lost Lords remind yourself of the skills needed to conquer all from the previous episodes. Also remember that throughout your journey in the Lost Lords every decision you make affects members of the family involved, much like real life. Throughout the game you must stay alert and on your toes, always wondering who you can trust and realizing that every move you make affects the next one.

Written by Max Lang-Orsini

Is the Gaming Industry Paying Attention

Image result for gamer girl

You may be surprised to learn that 52% of women are gamers. With all the action packed, blood spewing video games out today the main audience has to be male, right? Wrong.

I was shocked when reading these facts:

Based on interviews with 4,000 UK residents, the researchers found that women now account for 52 percent of the gaming audience, which is up from 49 percent three years ago. The study, which was commissioned by the Internet Advertising Bureau, also revealed there are now more people over 44 years old playing games than children or teenagers. The gamer audience reportedly stands at 33.5 million Britons, which is 69 percent of the population.

This surge of women becoming gamers and staying gamers can be explained by the popularity of the smartphone. The smartphone has made gains more readily available to everyone. This could be due to the smartphones ease-of-use.

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One scenario that comes to mind is when women are waiting for their children to be done at appointments. While sitting in the waiting room playing a game on their smartphone to pass the time is very desirable. That is one example, but women will play whenever possible, very intently as well.

During the interview women shared that puzzle games were their go to games. The study also showed that women are also interested in disc type games by a large margin. So that discredits the stereotype that women only enjoy smartphone games. It’s a wonder if the future of game design will change in the future now that studies are showing that a quarter of all gamers are now over 45-years-old.

Another interesting thing to consider is, if women make up the majority of the gaming audience why is the number of women working in the game industry so low? Wouldn’t the people who play the game the most have the most to offer when it comes to game development and other aspects of the industry? Only 12 percent of game designers in Britain are women and 3 percent of all programmers are women. Also, the number of women speaking at gaming conferences and events is minute. These shocking numbers are not because women are not interested in working in the industry it’s just how the present industry is constructed. It’s interesting to ponder how the game industry would change if more jobs were available to women.

It will be interesting to see future studies to see if this popular trend continues. If it does, I wonder if there will be industry changes in the future.

Fairyland on Facebook

Fairyland is a free to play virtual farming simulation and collection game. You only need a Facebook account to sign up, and from there it’s easy to get started.

Spend some time reading the ‘how to’ guides before you get stuck in (there’s really helpful newbies forums and general ‘how to’ game guides available) and, if you like collection games that reward you by building on levels and new releases as you go, then this is an addictive game that’s easy to pick up and will soon have you hooked.

Once you enter Fairyland, you begin planning your own garden to attract various wildlife; which you can also spot by watering plants in other gardens. The thrill is in the chase, so they say, and you will soon become hooked on ‘colouring in’ your spotter’s guide to wildlife as you attract and then spot in other gardens.

Different combinations of plants and food attract different animals, so this is a ‘learning’ game that rewards you for taking time and paying attention to the guides.

Don’t try this game if you’re all about the action – as a farming simulation and collection game it’s far more suited to the type of person who will happily spend many hours ‘building’ or ‘collecting’ to gain levels and rewards from their online games.

It’s a cute little game – from the neat wildlife graphics through to the actual garden and plant graphics, everything is cute, visually pleasing, and easy on the eye.

And it has real world rewards too: Play and Connect Ltd (game developers) make contributions towards the Amazon Rainforest preservation in real world terms for all their players. So even if you don’t buy gold (which of course there’s the option to), every plant you harvest in your own garden attracts a contribution from Play and Connect Ltd towards the protection of the rainforest. Some experienced Fairyland players have gardens which have bought (via Play & Connect Ltd’s contributions) hundreds of hectares of rainforest – meaning you can enjoy getting sucked into the game without feeling too guilty as it offers real world rewards too!

So if you like building, learning, cute wildlife critters and collecting items to build on levels then go along to Fairyland on Facebook to sign up and get playing!

Hidden Classics On The Playstation 2

Classics Within The Playstation 2 Category

With over 155 million units sold the Playstation 2 is easily the best selling console of all time. Launching with a DVD player, a major selling point at the time, it quickly grew to deserve its place in the tomes of video game legend. Giving life to so many beloved titles (from Jak and Daxter to Tekken), most don’t realise just how vast the PS2’s library really is.

Home to over 1800 games it’s understandable that some would slip through the cracks. That’s why I’ve decided to run down some of the best, most interesting or most obscure hidden classics on the Playstation 2.

Kengo: Master Of Bushido

Kengo: Master of Bushido

Starting as I mean to go on with Kengo, a game I’ve never actually heard another person mention. Though it may not be very well known, every person I’ve ever played it with has been blown away by this intricate, complex sword fighting game.

The games multiplayer mode alone is, I’d argue, enough to warrant buying. With a number of possible fighters to choose from, you and one opponent are immediately dropped into an unfamiliar setting with nothing but the blade in your hands.

I’ve found going in blind really improves the whole experience. As you and a friend learn the ropes of this fighter you’ll find (as I have many times) that hours will fade away without realising. A complex and challenging single player campaign will keep your passion for this game alive while alone. Kengo: Master of Bushido truly is a must have for any Playstation fan.

Ben 10 - Protector Of Earth

Ben 10: Protector of Earth

Maybe it’s not as obscure; so much as most people aren’t likely to play it with it being based on a cartoon. Once you get past that however you find a beat em up that’s incredibly fun, with a surprising amount of depth.

Ben 10 represents the perfect kind of show to get a game, with its vast number of supporting characters and variety of alien forms; it easily develops into a varied experience from start to finish. If you’re looking for a fun game, that’s really easy to pick up and play, Ben 10: Protector of Earth is the perfect game for you.

Kuri Kuri Mix

Kuri Kuri Mix

Known as the adventures of cookie and cream in the USA, Kuri Kuri Mix is one of the most interesting multiplayer games I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. An action-adventure puzzle game, this represents the pinnacle of teamwork. Pick up a copy and you’ll quickly find you and a friend are completely absorbed by this game’s colourful world, catchy music and vibrant themes.



When I originally found this game I wasn’t sure quite exactly what I’d stumbled across. A strange blend of horror, puzzle, strategy and action with a completely bizarre story about a possessed princess and all Japanese dialogue, Trapt truly is a sight to be seen.

If that all sounds a bit too confusing to you, believe me it did to me as well, but as you get into it you’ll find yourself enthralled by this dark, fun, challenging game. More than anything else, I’d recommend Trapt just for the experience of witnessing it, a game so strange you’ll leave it a changed person.

Fighting Fury

Fighting Fury

Fighting Fury was published by Midas interactive, a low budget European publisher. Any of you who’ve had any experience of Midas are probably now shaking your heads in disgust. I will admit this doesn’t fit into the category of “hidden gem” quite like the others.

This game is undeniably terrible in nearly every aspect, from controls, to visuals, to completely baffling auditory choices; it is genuinely one of the worst games I’ve ever played. A lot like most of Midas’ games library however, Fighting Fury has a certain charm to it. There’s just something about a game this bad that’s weirdly appealing, and I’d definitely recommend it to anybody looking for the absolute pinnacle of a “so bad it’s good” game.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run

To end our list, I thought I would talk about a huge classic in everyone’s lives who has ever played a Playstation 2.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run is a nostalgic classic. Released in 2003 by Radical Entertainment, The Simpsons: Hit & Run is like The Simpsons version of today’s GTA, except less violence and more humour. The player goes through many different variants from The Simpsons sitcoms and as the game progresses plays from different characters from The Simpsons. To progress you complete missions and like GTA, you can get a ‘Hit and Run’ meaning you’ve caught the police’s attention. You just have to avoid Police Cars to get away.

It is a classic and there is much more to it, but unfortunately that’s all for this article! I hope you found this interesting!

  • By Max Lang-Orsini

Can we make playing games our profession?

Gaming Profession

Since we were kids we all love playing games. It is relaxing, funny; it takes your mind away from problems and everyday routines. Playing games with your loved ones can even make you feel closer together and it can develop a special relationship. But can you turn playing games into a full-time or part-time profession so you can also enjoy gaming while you’re working?

Game Developing

When it comes to computer games, they are so popular and everybody loves them so much, that anyone who wants to create new games has a huge area to make his ideas come true. That is, of course, if he has great imagination. With nowadays technology, you can design anything you want – any given situation or a whole world.

Creating a computer game / gaming products that would sell is no different than writing books. You need to know what is popular and what could trigger young people’s minds. It is important to always have bright ideas so new things can appear all the time in the game to make it intriguing and worth playing.

People, who create games, presenting a new different world or let you create an alternative personality, living a completely different life, make millions every year, because people want to buy products that truly manage to delete reality and draw a better one.

Luck In Games (RNG, Random Number Generator)

Another tool to both have fun and pay the bills is poker. Poker has a bad name, because many consider it gambling and they are right as much as it depends on the person whether he would apply strategy or just play with his luck. Online poker can make people very rich, but only if they know how to play the game both safe and profitable.

Becoming a master in this game takes not only knowing the rules, but also great understanding of statistics, mathematics and human psychology. Playing poker is similar to solving Rubick’s cube, where you need to know how to apply some basic algorithms – you can manage to succeed without thinking, depending on your luck, but you cannot keep on succeeding every time just by luck.

Same way poker gamers create strategies and algorithms so they can guess other people’s cards by watching how the game is played so far. Even very experienced brilliant poker gamers lose money all the time. Their key is to always keep losses lower than profits so the end result will be in advantage. That itself involves strong nerves and calm nature.

Jobs In Gaming

Yes, you can turn playing games into something you make your living with, but like the examples clearly show; this is not as easy as it sounds. Games might be fun and entertaining, but their creation, their competition for the best and their use for profit can be incredibly hard. Here are some examples you can get as a profession within the gaming industry:

Game Developer

You could go forward and become a game designer / game developer if you wish to be more of a ‘behind the scenes’ type of guy. You would be incharge of the game’s technology and the way it functions. Depending on the role you can get at a company, you may get certain control on what you can design, or perhaps you want to become an ‘Indie Game’ developer, or just a single stand alone Game Designer.

Game Testers

If this doesn’t tickle your fancy and you wish to play games as a profession, then you can get a job as a game tester. They test new games that come out of bugs and glitches that can really hurt the game.

Pro Gamers (Esports)

Perhaps you want something more ‘skillful’ and wish to have a professional gaming career. This in the new age is becoming more and more possible and is typically known as ‘e-sports’. ‘E-Sports’ stands for ‘Electronic Sports’, this is where the most skillful players compete for prize pools in tournaments and is usually broadcasted as entertainment where millions of people go to watch. (League Of Legends broadcasted to a total of 44 million concurrent viewers as it’s all-time peak!)

The rise of esports seems very underground to the average person, but not in the gaming world. These professional gamers are amongst the best and some refer to them as ‘professional athletes’.

Playing video games seems like an easy task to the average person, but it takes years of experience to become a master of the game and compete at such a top level within the esports / gaming industry. Some games such as; Counter-Strike: Global Offensive take more than just years to master. This is because the competitive scene has been tinkered by the best for so long and is constantly changing, being able to master all of the previous ‘best’ levels and then proceed to keep up is extremely tough.

I hope you liked these career option suggestions and I wish you the best on your journey!

  • By: Max Lang-Orsini

Computer Games – a Waste of Time or Not?

Computer Games

Computer games have been a subject of many debates in the past few years. Are playing video games too violent or too addictive, or take too much time to complete. The main question people and parents ask, are computer games dangerous for those who play them as their main hobby?

Video Game Violence

Many words have been said about violence in games but way less is spoken about all the violence that we see on television or in books. Why would games be different? When you watch a movie you can feel down, or feel scared or even laugh, but you somehow know that it isn’t real. It just doesn’t give such strong sensations.

Gaming, on the other hand, can sometimes be so real that it becomes easy to forget that you are outside the screen. Some people give into this feeling with such devotion that they stop paying attention to their real lives and the real people around them.


Such obsession can be as dangerous as any other addiction. We dream to be successful, strong, and smart, to win all the time. Sadly in reality these goals are achieved only after a lot of effort and hard work and sometimes it is difficult to feel accomplished and in harmony with yourself if you are not moving fast enough to reach your ideals.

Many people tend to feel lost and insecure when thinking about what they have not achieved yet. In contrast, when you create your profile in any given game you can become everything you ever wanted to be.

Why leave the place where you are confident and powerful only to return to the normal world?

Skills Gaming Can Build

There are a few physical aspects of gaming that are a boon in real-life:

  • Playing games helps to sharpen your senses such as reaction times
  • Gaming helps with coordination
  • It creates a different view of the world that can translate outside the computer

If you have a good balance of your life and you don’t spend too much time playing computer games, the skills that you develop while playing can help you make better decisions and even be a better leader of other people.

Studies show that computer games can contribute to a better learning process. It seems that students tend to feel more motivated about a given school subject if it is presented in the form of a game. This provides a huge area for thinking of different ways teaching can be approached.

Sometimes It’s Nice To Walk Away

As reality can sometimes be hard, there is nothing wrong with pushing the escape button for a while. It clears the mind, refreshes the brain and makes us happier with our own selves. As long as we remember that nothing can replace the priceless moments of our real lives, games can only do good.

By Max Lang-Orsini

Evolve – Guaranteeing Excitement at Every Turn


Evolve is a savage world of man versus nature and throughout the game you are never sure if you are the hunter or the hunted!

Evolve was created from Turtle Rock Studios, the same people who created Left 4 Dead. Evolve is the next generation of multiplayer shooters. The game is never short of action.

What is Evolve?

It begins with a team of four players who use their wits and weapons to fight against a human-controlled beast. A definite plus is that it can also be played as a single player game.

Evolve has 16 different maps, 12 hunters and 3 monsters. In this four versus one game you must take down the beast named Goliath. A fifth player is controlling the monster and helps it feed off other animals and plants to help it evolve and become bigger and stronger. This is what your team of four, when working together, is trying to stop.

Fighting the Goliath in Evolve

The Depth Of Evolve

Evolve was created by combining the games Left 4 Dead and Counter-Strike. That is what makes this game unique and action-packed. It brings cooperative team play to a whole new level.

The competitive component is evident throughout the game of Evolve, unlike in the other games. Teamwork and communication are essential between the four hunters throughout the entire game in order to bring down the monster, Goliath.

The four hunters have the ability to give Goliath a real beating with their powerful guns, mines and their ability to shield themselves. But, this will only be successful if they work together as a team. Each hunter takes on an individual role. They can either be a fighter, a medic where team members aid the injured or they can be a trapper whose role is to contain the beast.

Fighting the Goliath in Evolve

There is support throughout the game for the hunters. They can use orbital strikes and cloak themselves when necessary. The medic also has a tranquilizer gun that makes the monster green and slows him down, giving the hunters more time to re-evaluate their strategy and collaborate their ideas until the tranquilizer wears off.

Each hunter takes on a unique role in the game and if they work together, always remembering their individual roles, they can and will successfully take down the monster.

This is the only way to have success in the game of Evolve. There is no room for egos in the game of Evolve. There is no one hunter that takes on the leadership role. You must work together as a team to have a successful outcome.

It is important to note that every match that you play will be unique due to the fact that the monster is humanly-controlled. This is a feature that makes Evolve so desirable and fun. You never know what the monster is thinking and he never knows what the hunters have planned throughout the entire game.

Evolve Artwork

It must be said that Goliath is not a pushover. He has the ability to throw rocks and breathe fire which intensifies as the game progresses. The fire that Goliath breathes can become so intense that it literally roasts the hunter.

The Key To Win

Staying focused throughout the game is essential according to Ivy Leaf Kennels. There are a diverse range of strategies in playing Evolve. The more you play, the more you will master these strategies. Each match is guaranteed to be different no matter how many times you play.

No matter what role you decide to play on your team in Evolve you must always remember to work together, discussing every strategy before it is executed and lending a helping hand to every teammate whenever needed. This is the only way to win over Goliath and the game of Evolve. According to Ivy Leaf Kennels, cooperation and teamwork is the key to Evolve.

The Best PC Games Of All Time | Max Lang-Orsini

The Best 5 Video Games Ever

In this article, I’m going to link the top and most popular list of the best pc games you can play! Some games may require a beefy computer, so make sure you check the system requirements before playing the game!

Grand Theft Auto Series (18+)

Image result for Grand Theft Auto Series (18)

The first in the Grand Theft Auto series by DMA Design was first released in 1997. Grand Theft Auto is the fourth highest selling video game ever. The game allows the player to take on the role of a villain who tries to climb the criminal career ladder. The game is full of violence, contains swearing, nudity, alcoholism and drug use. Reviews constantly state that players love the fantasy world and enjoy doing everything they can’t do in reality. Another popular bonus with this game is that it has an excellent soundtrack alongside each game having its own single player campaign.

Buy the most recent GTA here

FIFA (3+)

Image result for FIFA

The FIFA series by EA Sports has been brought out every year since the 1990s. The latest in the series, FIFA 18 sold nearly 6 million copies in its first week of release. Gamers love this virtual world of football. FIFA enables you to play in career mode, manage your favourite team and to also build an ultimate team. Gamers can also experience off the pitch moments including the tunnel, locker room and even the team plane!

Play the most recent FIFA here

Minecraft (7+)

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Minecraft was released in 2009, it has sold over 54 million copies. It is described as the modern day version of Lego. It is based on a virtual landscape where the player has to obtain blocks to build structures and survive the night on the main mode. As the players landscape becomes filled there are characters that begin to appear/interact e.g., ghosts and monsters come out at night and the player may need to create a weapon to protect themselves. This game is about imagination and is not about winning or losing, a sandbox.

Play Minecraft here

Tetris (All Ages)

Image result for Tetris

Tetris is known as the Soviet Mind Game as it was created by Alexey Pajitnov, a Russian who worked for the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Tetris is an addictive puzzle game. It is also the best selling video game ever, with over 170 million copies sold. The game involves the player moving Tetriminos that fall at increasing speeds. The aim is to clear as many lines of ‘Tetriminos’ as possible before the’ Tetriminos’ get you. It requires skill and patience. Tetris features in the Guinness Book of records for being the most ported game – it is available on 65 different platforms.

Play the most recent and remastered version of Tetris here

Super Mario (All Ages)

Image result for Super Mario

The Super Mario game by Nintendo was first released in 1985. It features in the World Video Game Hall of Fame listings. Mario is one of the most well known characters throughout the world. This action adventure game is about the player character, Mario, basically running around and jumping up and down to get to the next level. Sometimes his nearly as famous brother, Luigi, appears in this very addictive game. Mario has proved to be so popular that he has, so far, appeared in over 200 video games.

Play most recent mario game here

Crash Bandicoot – A Retrospective | Max Lang-Orsini

Crash’s Journey Through Time

After the recent announcement of the Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy (the remake of the original Crash trilogy)’s release date, 30th June, it’s becoming more and more clear that Crash well and truly is back. So I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about what exactly it was that led fans to be so remarkably hungry (?) for the new installment in the crash bandicoot series.

The History Of Crash Bandicoot

Crash Bandicoot, as a character, first came about after original developers Naughty Dog set forth to create an original 3D platformers action game, and a mascot for Sony Computer Entertainment’s new yet to be proven home console, the Playstation.

The first Crash Bandicoot would be released as a hit, which resulted in two more original (main series) Crash Bandicoot titles being developed by Naughty Dog, each releasing to more critical acclaim than the last.

Naughty Dog were riding high with their Playstation mascot, but they clearly wanted to move on to new and different series, especially with the ever approaching release of the Playstation 2. 

So, in 1999, Naughty Dog would finish their fourth and final Crash Bandicoot game, Crash Team racing (a game which had been in development since before the third Crash game). They were now done with the Crash Bandicoot IP, seemingly forever, going on to produce several other hit properties including Jak and Daxter, Uncharted and the Last of us. The fate of Crash Bandicoot, however, was up in the air. Would the property be allowed to fade off into history? Would Naughty Dog return to their original creation? Or would a new developer pick it up?

The Comeback Of Crash Bandicoot

As it turns out, the latter was the case. Universal released one final Crash game, Crash Bash, exclusively to the Playstation in order to fulfil their publishing exclusivity deal, before they handed the series off to Mark Cerny and Vicarious Visions to develop 2 new Crash games. This marked the end of Crash’s original Playstation exclusive run, now moving onto multiple platforms for a series of hit and miss titles, such as Wrath of Cortex and Twinsanity.

2005 marked another complete change up in the Crash Bandicoot development (ironically) with another racing game, Crash Team Racing. Crash was now redesigned for his next title, Crash of the Titans; many fans found this radical change from the series roots jarring, but the game was ultimately a critical and commercial success, leading to the announcement of its direct sequel Mind over Mutant.

Crash Bandicoot Today

This new series would not last long however, as in 2009 (true to form) a final kart racer was released Nitro Kart 2, before the series went on a hiatus. Seemingly, Crash Bandicoot was gone for good.

As you may know however, especially if you actually read the introduction of this article, rumours were abounding on the way to E3 2016, then, some time into Sony’s press conference fans heard the familiar music they’d been longing to hear again for 7 long years.

Crash Bandicoot was coming back, appearing as a new playable character in Skylanders before once again appearing in his own game. A full, from the ground up, remake of the original Naughty Dog Crash trilogy; with new additions including full analog capability and a new save system. Fans of the series (myself included) are hotly anticipating this new installment, so let’s all hope it lives up to the series’ long and varied history.